Just 1% of directors and senior managers in UK construction are black, according to official figures.
While 94.9% of senior figures in the industry are white, only 1.8% are of Indian ethnicity and just 0.4% are of Pakistani ethnicity.
The number of directors and senior managers from Chinese and Bangladeshi groups were so small that they registered as 0% in the Office for National Statistics employment data, highlighted by Construction Products Association (CPA) economics director Noble Francis.

The figures show the extent to which black and minority ethnic (BAME) groups are under-represented in construction. According to the 2011 Census, the total population of England and Wales was 56.1m, of which 86% was white. People from Asian ethnic groups made up the second largest percentage of the population (at 7.5%), followed by black ethnic groups (at 3.3%). Mixed/multiple ethnic groups accounted for 2.2%, with other ethnic groups were at 1%.