Site visit: Vistry Works East Midlands Factory Tour
16 January, 9.15-11.30am, Nottingham
Members are invited to a tour of the Vistry Works East Midlands (Coalville) timber frame factory in Leicestershire.
Reopened in July 2023, the 33,000 sq m facility will supply new houses for Vistry Group’s mixed-tenure Countryside Partnerships business and housebuilding business. It is expected to deliver over 2,000 homes in its first year and has the capacity to deliver in excess of 6,000 homes per year.
The sustainable timber-frame homes will be a key part of the group’s approach to meeting the Future Homes Standard, which comes into operation in 2025.
The relaunch of the MMC facility will have a positive socio-economic impact, boosting local job creation.
During the visit you will be able to tour the factory and Innovation House and hear about the facility and the benefits of MMC.
Contact: [email protected]
Site visit and CPD: Temple Quarter Enterprise Campus/Former Royal Mail Sorting Office, Bristol
18 January, 4-6pm, Bristol
Join CIOB for a site visit and CPD at the former Royal Mail Sorting Office in Bristol, which is being reborn as the University of Bristol’s new Enterprise Campus.
A presentation on the enabling works by Kier will be followed by an update by Sir Robert McAlpine on the ongoing and finished project, and a site walk.
Vacant since 1997, Bristol City Council purchased the building and demolished it to facilitate the flagship development.
Temple Quarter Enterprise Campus (TQEC) will provide the space to reimagine the university’s role as one of the world’s great civic universities – enabling a transformed relationship with the city region, its businesses, communities and government.
The first phase of the TQEC includes development of a new six-storey 38,350 sq m academic building (TQA1), highway and landscaping works.
Contact: [email protected]
Take Action – CIOB and Environmental Sustainability
18 January, 1-2pm, online
Amanda Williams, head of environmental sustainability at CIOB, will be presenting a CPD and Q&A, organised by CIOB Wessex and Channel Islands.
Williams will talk about the CIOB Environmental Sustainability Action Plan, highlighting some of the broad themes and indicating where members can get involved.
Contact: [email protected]
Site visit: Splashes Leisure Centre, Gillingham
25 January, 2-4pm, Gillingham
Principal contractor Willmott Dixon is providing a site tour of Splashes, in Gillingham, Kent – a new leisure centre for the local community.
The family-friendly facility will have two pools: a four-lane 25m swimming pool and a second pool that includes a children’s fun pool with flume, wave ball pool and beach area.
There will be a gym, a multi-purpose room on the first floor and a cafe by the entrance.
The external facade is a mixture of aluminium rainscreen cladding with projecting fins, porcelain, brickwork and curtain wall.
Contact: [email protected]
Meet the CIOB – NI Hub
31 January, 8am-12pm, Belfast
Drop into the Europa Hotel, Belfast, to enjoy light refreshments and learn how the CIOB supports its members. On hand will be the NI Hub committee members, Tomorrow’s Leaders champions and CIOB staff.
The event will provide attendees with an opportunity to network and link up with construction professionals in Northern Ireland.
There will be a wide range of exhibitors and presentations on varied areas of the CIOB offer, from membership and training partnerships to Tomorrow’s Leaders and policy.
The event will include a case study on Woodvale Construction and its progress with social value. Mark Wade, director of Hays, the event’s sponsor, will give an account of the skills required in construction and the jobs climate in Northern Ireland.
The event will close with a presentation from Natalie Ryan, regional ambassador for Ireland for the Lighthouse Construction Industry Charity.
Contact: [email protected]