Image: Dreamstime/Rik Trottier
Build UK has updated its Site Operating Procedures to version three, following new advice on social distancing and travel from Public Health England (PHE).
The new Site Operating Procedures take account of PHE guidelines, which offer sector-specific construction advice.
On social distancing, the PHE now says: “Where it is not possible to follow the social distancing guidelines in full in relation to a particular activity, you should consider whether that activity needs to continue for the site to continue to operate, and, if so, take all the mitigating actions possible to reduce the risk of transmission.”
When it comes to its transport for business guidance under ‘Use of private vehicles and car pooling’, PHE now says: “If the journey is essential, such as travel to work, and there is no option but to share a car with people who are not part of the same household, journeys should be shared with the same individuals and with the minimum number of people at any one time.”
Other key changes in version 3 include:
- Confirmation that the HSE is the enforcing authority for PHE guidelines
- The need for sites to monitor the implementation of the procedures
- Further details on who should not travel to work
- Information on first aid and emergency service response.
The revised Site Operating Procedures can be found on the Construction Leadership Council’s website.