Image: Dreamstime/Bang Oland
The Infrastructure and Projects Authority (IPA) has called on construction firms to share stories of good practice, where sites are operating within Public Health England and industry guidance on coronavirus.
The IPA has put together a template for firms to fill out and said that it could help to demonstrate that where employers and individual employees across the sector can follow the guidance, there is a beneficial outcome for all.
It has asked companies to fill out the below template with positive examples of where sites are continuing to operate safely and the benefits of this. This could also include where essential work needs to be completed and/or where it is critical for sites to stay open.
Completed responses, following the template below, can be sent to: [email protected]
The Infrastructure and Project Authority’s template
- Name of organisation
- Project
- Location
- Case study overview
Please include answers to the below:
- What is the reason for site(s) to stay open? (E.g. Critical works to support NHS, maintenance of train lines for key workers)
- How are Public Health Guidelines being adhered to? How are all your employees clear about their responsibilities?
- How many employees are on site/adhering to the guidelines?
- How has the site staying open benefited employees, organisation, sector as a whole?
- How is your site benefiting you/the economy in the long term by remaining open?
- Please include anything else you feel would support this example. E.g. Quotes from employees/subcontractors
Please attach any relevant photos and/or footage to help bring examples to life.
Key contact
Name, email address, phone number.
Further information
Please provide any further information that you think is relevant.
Aim for around 150 words.
Include web links and contacts where possible.
Use the organisation’s name instead of ‘we’.