Image: Dreamstime/Alex Danila
The Grenfell Tower Inquiry has suspended hearings “for the time being” because of the risk of spreading the coronavirus.
Chairman of the Inquiry Sir Martin Moore-Bick made the announcement yesterday (16 March), following a press conference held by Prime Minister Boris Johnson, in which he discouraged all non-essential travel and urged people to work from home where possible.
In a statement, Sir Martin Moore-Bick said: “In light of the Prime Minister’s statement this afternoon the panel has decided that the Inquiry should hold no further hearings for the time being.
“To do so, even on the basis of limited attendance, would be to expose those whose presence is essential for that purpose, not to mention those whom we wish to call as witnesses, to an unacceptable risk of infection.
“It would also send the wrong signal to the world at large at a time when everyone is being urged to cooperate with measures designed to minimise the effect of the virus.
“We very much regret that it has been necessary to take this step and we shall be giving careful consideration to whether it is possible to resume hearings using electronic means, but even if that is not possible the work of the Inquiry will continue.
“We shall keep you informed of developments as they occur and I hope that it will not be long before we can continue taking evidence.”