Contractors round the country have been offering councils and companies help to repair property damaged or destroyed in this week’s rioting.
Building reports that Mansell and Mears have been praised by Croydon Chief Executive Jon Rouse for “rallying round” to help the borough’s clear-up operation.
Construction News says two architects have launched a free scheme that puts riot-hit home-owners and businesses in touch with construction professionals who can assist rebuilding efforts.
Riot Rebuild has a presence on social network sites including Facebook and Twitter offering help with construction repairs and design and planning services. Its co-founder Nick Varey is quoted by CN saying: “We have a list of professionals and tradespeople willing to provide their expertise and give real help free of charge to help rebuilding projects move swiftly in the right direction.”
Numerous construction sites have been shut down following the rioting, Building reports.The lawyer Eversheds has warned that construction site damaged in the riots may not have legal cover in their contracts, reports CN. Its construction specialist Michael Conroy Harris says clients and contractors could be held responsible as some force majeure clauses will not cover rioting.