1. HSE: delayed ‘CDM 201X’ will be law by April 2015

The Health and Safety Executive has insisted it is on track to bring far-reaching changes to the CDM Regulations into law by April 2015 – the last opportunity to pass new legislation before next year’s General Election. Read more…
2. CIOB shock as Institute-backed apprenticeship ‘trailblazer’ is frozen out

Skills minister Matthew Hancock’s decision to green-light two “trailblazer” construction apprenticeship schemes but leave a third CIOB-backed proposal in limbo drew an angry response from the Institute. Read more…
3. Housing review scraps Code but pledges space standard ‘where needed’

Housing experts have given a cautious welcome to the government’s long-awaited plans to consolidate housing regulations and standards, but said lack of detail meant it was difficult to properly assess the impact of the proposals published earlier this month. Read more…
4. BRE to offer BIM certification for Level 2 data compliance

The BRE has revealed plans to offer a new BIM certification service that will give project teams and their clients assurances that data in the BIM model has been assembled according to industry-defined Level 2 BIM protocols. Read more…
5. Ten things you might have missed in Osborne’s Budget

A boost for the self-build sector, a freeze in aggregates tax, funding boost for Greater Cambridge, Help to Buy extended until 2020 and £170m to extend the Apprenticeship Grant for Employers scheme were among Osborne’s announcements. Read more…
6. PI insurance – don’t forget to notify your insurer

Even if there’s only a 1% chance of a claim against you, it could be time to notify your professional indemnity insurer, says loss adjuster Bob Paterson. Read more…
7. The BIM journey… Destination retrofit sector

As BIM continues to move forward with increasing speed, a new technique has emerged – modelling of existing buildings for retrofits – and with it comes a whole new set of challenges. Read more…
8. Level 7 NVQ offers new route to MCIOB for design managers
Experienced design managers have been given a new direct route to CIOB membership via the Edexcel Level 7 NVQ in Built Environment Design and Consultancy Practice. Read more…
9. CIOB’s own Lego movie wins ICMD design contest

A stop motion animation depicting tiny Lego construction workers building the letters CIOB out of various materials, set to Schwab’s The Mole Man track, took top spot in this year’s International Construction Manager Day competition. Read more…
10. DECC to map sites for water-source heat pumps as technology takes hold

The government is to publish a map of areas that have the potential for efficient use of water-source heat pumps – an emerging renewable energy technology that has been installed in a project in Kingston-upon-Thames, and specified in a Docklands residential tower. Read more…

Top international story
New Zealand woos construction workers

New Zealand’s construction industry is expected to attract a wave of emigration from around the world as it tries to fill skills shortages ahead of rapidly expanding demand. Read more…

Top management story
Imagine there’s no conflict… it’s easy if you try

A potential clash on a tube train led Jeff Whitfield to rethink his attitude to confrontation and conflict. He tells us how the lessons can be applied at work. Read more…

Top comment story
The surreal side of BIM

Peter Gracia takes a look at some statistics that help him clarify his feelings towards BIM. Read more…

Top agenda story
CM drops in on a Vinci Empower training day

Leadership development will divide opinion in construction, but Vinci has found that it’s bringing the business together. Elaine Knutt visited the De Vere Latimer Hotel in Berkshire, where the company ran a two-day workshop. Read more…