
Client satisfaction dips as 60% of construction projects are delivered late

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  1. In my experience there is another factor involved in commercial construction contracts not being completed on time. This one is design changes imposed by the Clients during the build process. It isn’t helped along by delays in getting responses to RFI’s, either.
    To overcome these potential delays requires acceleration. Acceleration costs money! Not only that, but there also has to be an awful lot of discussion and negotiation to ascertain how long and how much. Then the clerical paperwork trail has to be laid to justify any additional charges if completion is to be on time. Very few contractors have tendered with a sufficient margin to be able to afford the specialised professional people on site to be able to do all that!

  2. Maybe if programmers were more realistic, these comments wouldn’t be necessary.

  3. The increase in late project deliveries does not surprise most Construction Managers today. The difficulties in obtaining skilled workers has been getting greater for at least the last 15 years and so we are now scratching around for just about anyone who can hold a shovel the right way up. This means that ever more management hours and project hours are used up in reworking shoddy workmanship and ad hoc on site training.
    An old colleague used to tell me that people in this industry either didn’t know or didn’t care, one or the other. It is fast becoming the case where I meet people who not only don’t know but also don’t care either. Until we can get away from this industry’s image as a job you take when all else has failed and when people start to recognise the skills required, the situation will only get worse and Britain will be ever more reliant on immigrant labour…. lets just hope they were all trained better than our own workforce.

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