
Clacton Pier clean-up begins after concrete pour collapse

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  1. Stella has taken her revenge…

  2. Be nice to know what actually caused the collapse and why it wasnt forseen that this could happen…luckily no one was hurt.

  3. I wonder how strictly the Temporary Works we’re controlled?

    The CITB Temporary Works Coordinator Training tells you that by rights, even heras panelled site boundaries should not be modified with signage etc without the consultation of a temporary works engineer due to changes in load caused by wind etc.

    So many construction workers alter what is considered to be temporary works including formwork or shoring without even thinking of consulting an engineer for consideration of design calculations.

  4. Well said Jonathan. In my role as PD I am constantly needing to remind Clients and Contractors of the importance of proper Temporary works arrangements. It often falls on deaf ears until I point out the implications and then the old “who will pay” mantra is trotted out.

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