
CIOB launches pre-election manifesto 

Polling station sign in a UK street - CIOB has launched its manifesto ahead of the 4 July general election
(Image: Anthony Shaw via

The Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB) has launched its manifesto ahead of the 4 July general election outlining how a future government can support the built environment sector. 

CIOB’s Manifesto for the Built Environment – Opportunities for future proofing the construction industry includes four key themes: environmental sustainability, quality and safety, the future of construction, and people and skills.

The document outlines short, medium and longer-term policy recommendations to address some of the major challenges facing construction and society, including late payments to supply chains, the ongoing skills shortage, better opportunities for SMEs, and improving diversity and inclusion in the sector.  

CIOB’s manifesto recommendations

Environmental Sustainability
Quality and Safety
Future of Construction
People and Skills
Develop and implement a green skills fund 

Adapt building regulations to include whole life carbon assessments  

Develop and implement a national retrofit strategy 
Review the voluntary status of consumer codes for new-build housing 

Provide fairer opportunities for SME housebuilders 

Reform the current Land Value system 
Tackle late payment culture 

Develop and implement a strategy for Modern Methods of Construction 

Use geographical clustering to level up the UK
Include Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) commitments in public sector contracts 

Overhaul of the Apprenticeship Levy 

Introduce a Built Environment GCSE 

Resources for members

Alongside the manifesto, CIOB will also launch an election page on its website for its members to stay updated on important dates, election candidates and what the political parties are saying in their manifestos about the built environment. 

CIOB’s chief executive, Caroline Gumble, said: “Now the date for the UK general election has been confirmed, we’ve launched our manifesto so we can engage with prospective parliamentary candidates while they’re developing their own campaigns.  

“Candidates come from a range of backgrounds and don’t always understand the complexities and importance of the built environment sector, which is a major economic driver so it’s down to us all as the experts to educate them. It’s important they know what support is needed to enable the industry to play its part in creating a safe and sustainable built environment for everyone.

“I strongly encourage CIOB members to use this manifesto and our online resources to engage with those standing for election in the constituencies they live and work in to help push construction further up the political agenda.” 

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  1. The Election manifesto from the CIOB is a great starting point for potential political candidates to start reviewing their messages to their constituents and their commitment to the Built Environment.

    If the winning party only implements 50% of the items that will be a great achievement.

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