The Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB) has backed a call from charity Barnardo’s urging construction firms to donate their unused digital devices to children home-schooling during the latest coronavirus lockdown.
Barnardo’s has reopened its Coronavirus Crisis Appeal aimed at helping vulnerable families.
In 2020, the first wave of its appeal funded the purchase of over 950 new tablets and laptops and 183 mobile phones for children and young people. Through its ‘Great British Tech Appeal’ in partnership with Vodafone, it also distributed refurbished devices and data provision for an additional 1,500 service users.
The appeal also provided food and basic essentials, as well as giving young people therapeutic tools to support their mental health.
Now Barnardo’s has relaunched the Great British Tech Appeal with Vodafone and is still in need of more donated second hand devices to distribute to children facing digital poverty.
To find out how your company can donate, click here.