CIOB Community

Bremner to make an impression at Kent’s construction dinner and awards

Rory Bremner Maidstone Hub
Rory Bremner is this year’s speaker for the Maidstone Hub annual dinner

The Maidstone Hub is hosting its popular annual dinner and awards on 6 March.

Held at the Tudor Park Marriott Hotel & Country Club, Bearsted, the black-tie dinner gives an opportunity to network with leaders of the southeast’s building environment sector in a social setting.

This year’s guest speaker is Rory Bremner, the impressionist, comedian, satirist, writer and presenter.

The supported charity for the evening is the Young Lives Foundation.

Bam, Chartway Civil Engineering, Coniston and Quigg Golden are the sponsors for the dinner and Baxall Construction and GVE Commercial Solutions for the awards.

A table for 10 at the dinner costs £1,200.00. For bookings contact:
[email protected].

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