Housebuilder Berkeley Homes’ new modular housing factory, capable of delivering up to 1,000 homes a year, will go into production later this year, the firm has revealed.
The new facility in Northfleet in Kent promises to manufacture homes using automated and digitally integrated production technologies from the aerospace and automotive sectors.
Berkeley claimed that it would allow it to reduce the carbon footprint of its homes at every stage of the product lifecycle, as well as increase productivity, reduce waste, improve safety and produce a ‘golden thread’ digital record capture for every module produced.
Each module will leave the factory floor fully fitted and finished, with the factory capable of delivering 1,000 homes a year once up to full production.
The news came as Berkeley revealed its financial results for the year to 30 April 2021. During the year, Berkeley increased its pre-tax profit to £518.1m, up 2.9% on the year before.
Chief executive Rob Perrins said: “We ended the year in great shape, with net cash of £1.1 billion, cash due on forward sales of £1.7 billion and the estimated future gross margin in our land holdings increased to £6.9 billion, with a further £0.6 billion in the near-term pipeline. This is a very strong platform from which to continue serving the most under supplied housing markets in the country once the disruption caused by the pandemic dissipates and London is again able to flourish as a global destination for culture, entertainment, education, recreation and business.”