BAM has restarted work on a number of sites across the UK and is gearing up to build emergency coronavirus wards in hospitals across the UK.
BAM said it has been working closely with the NHS, Department for Health and the UK government on “numerous critical healthcare schemes around the country”, building new facilities or adapting current facilities to treat covid-19 patients.
Support is being given or is under discussion in Scotland, Yorkshire, Manchester, Liverpool, Worcestershire, Cornwall, and in the south of England. The firm has already started construction work building two new fast-track critical care facilities.
BAM’s facilities management teams also continue to provide essential buildings management, cleaning and catering services to the emergency services, local authorities and those schools remaining open for key workers’ and vulnerable children. In order to maintain services, where possible BAM FM employees that serve private sector clients are re-deploying to fill roles serving the public sector that are unfilled due to illness or self-isolation.
Meanwhile, the contractor has resumed work on a number of sites after stopping while it made checks and agreements with its project teams, clients and supply chain about safe working.
It said it has jointly defined new ways for sites to operate, including avoiding using crowded public transport and maintaining the two-metre social distancing guidance as far as possible.
Work at sites around the country has been reviews and redesigned to enable them to re-open, along with a significant reduction in the number of people on site.
BAM Construct UK chief executive James Wimpenny said: “Buildings are central to people’s lives, and at this time they are also central to saving people’s lives. These are the most extraordinary and concerning times for us all. We are all in this together, working hard to save lives and livelihoods. I want to thank everyone at BAM for everything they are doing to keep themselves and their families safe, and for responding so well to rapidly changing circumstances.”