
AtkinsRéalis government eco-hub for York approved

A computer generated image showing how the Government Hub proposed at York Central could look
A computer-generated image showing how the Government Hub proposed at York Central could look (Image: Network Rail)

City of York Council has granted permission to build a six-storey government hub with green features on one the largest brownfield sites in the UK.

The 18,100 sq m building, designed by AtkinsRéalis, will be used as flexible office space by up to 2,600 civil servants. It will also have retail and ancillary space on the ground floor.

Plan of the proposed proposed north and 
south elevations of the building
Plan of the proposed proposed north and south elevations of the building (Image: City of York Council)

The green features include solar panels, air source heat pumps, a green roof, 230 cycle spaces and a planted pedestrian area.

According to the application’s sustainability statement, these features will help generate 24% less carbon emissions than a building designed to Building Regulations 2021 Part L.

The hub is also targeting a BREEAM “outstanding” rating and an energy performance certificate A rating.

A travel plan submitted with the planning application aims to encourage “sustainable modes of travel” and reduce reliance on cars.

To achieve this, employees will be provided with a “travel welcome plan” to “influence travel choice [and] reduce employees and visitors travelling by solo car and increase use of public transport”.

Biodiversity enhancement

The development’s planning application includes a biodiversity enhancement management plan setting out biodiversity enhancement measures consisting of tree and pole-mounted bat and bird boxes and an insect hotel.

Additional biodiversity measures may include the planting of native species, such as plants or shrubs, to provide year-round food for birds, bats and insects.

If native wildflowers are planted, the green roof may offer areas particularly favourable with invertebrates.

York Central

The government hub is part of York Central: a major initiative launched by the previous government as part of its levelling up agenda to boost regional economies.

The hub's site location plan
The hub’s site location plan within York Central (Image: City of York Council)

The 45-acre site – one of the UK’s largest brownfield areas – is next to the city’s railway station. The scheme is being brought forward by a partnership between Homes England, Network Rail, the City of York Council and the National Railway Museum.

It will be developed by private sector partners McLaren Property and Arlington Real Estate.

Completion is expected in 2027-2028.

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